The other day I was surfing around the web looking at suitcases when I came across this
Adorable right? I've bee using my vintage cases for my craft show displays for awhile, but I've been using just the plain case... as is. Mine didn't have anything fancy, I just open it up, arrange my softies inside and sling my banner over the top, see... here's me
(above picture taken by Eric Bojanowski for the Sun-Sentinel article about Odd Duck)
But, I've got one case that I never used because it is HUGE and any softies that I prop up indie just don't fill the vertical space. So, I figured I'd get crafty. I dug out the saw and managed to cut a piece of peg board the right size to fit inside.
I didn't permanently attach it because the interior if this case is
pristine and I just couldn't bring myself to make permanent changes. Surprisingly I was lucky enough to get the size of the board just right and it just sticks in there by itself held on by the interior
trim! Honestly I don't know what I am going to use this for because I don't really sell anything that would be displayed hung from a peg board, but oh well... I am still proud of my handiwork. Next I'll paint the peg board to match the suitcase and sometime between then and my next show... maybe I'll find a use for it.Below is a picture of my kids trying it out to make sure it holds strong enough. They were running around just hanging up anything they could find. Here we have a pac man plush, a sugar skull plush, two aprons and a wii remote.
I found a seller on Etsy who makes and sells these sorts of vintage luggage display cases already made for you. I also found several tutorials on how to make Vintage Luggage into craft show displays.
If you are looking for a vintage suitcase to upcycle, eBay
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